Disconnecting LCD screen video cable. Dell or HP video cable connector specifics

Video cable in most of the laptop makes and models is secured to the screen with a sticky electronics industry tape, with another piece of tape applied on the video cable video connector and the screen's video socket.
Please, check the picture below to see how Dell connectors can be modified to fit your screen.

1. Cut off the video cable connector clips (locks) using wire cutters. Now the connector fits the socket.
2. Plug the video cable connector into the screen.
3. Apply the scotch tape on the socket and the connector sticking them together as you can see in the previous picture. Applying a scotch tape will secure a connector in place and provide adequate support for video cable connector to be seated in place while using your laptop.
Dell video cables have a specific connector with small clips (locks) on both ends. Should the new screen not have a place
for clips to fit in, you simply need to remove those clips to plug the connector into the socket.

last updated June 14, 2018