Just wanted to say thank you soooo very much. Ordered a laptop screen for our Asus not long ago( 1361839294)and it arrived in FAST time, quicker than expected. I had taken the computer to Staples. They wanted $500! to fix it or to send me to someone that "might" get a new screen and fix it cheaper at about $300. I looked online, did research through ratings from other buyers and found your website with a great reputation. I made the right choice. Under $60 and it looks and works like my favorite laptop is brand new again. You all are amazing. The service and product were top-notch, prices very inexpensive, no hassle, no excuses...you just got it done and even have tech support should it have been needed.
   I'm going to other review sites and paste this email while letting others know how wonderful you have been. Thanks so much for being so good at what you do!
George (Marty) Jenkins

George Jenkins
Mar 07, 2013