I'm a student, who uses her computer every single day for schoolwork outside of class and for taking notes during class. That being so, I NEED my laptop for school.

When my laptop screen cracked, I panicked and quickly ran to the student Tech repair store to get an estimate. They estimated a cost about $200 and would need to hold my computer for at least 72 hours. I thought perhaps Sony might be able help me, considering my laptop is only two months old. Except Sony's estimate? Try a whopping $500 MINIMUM. On top of it, I'd be without my laptop for at least a week.

I am so thankful I found this website! I ordered my laptop screen and within less than 48 hours my new screen was at my door! I'm a girl who knows a decent amount of information about computers, but I'm not computer science major. I'd say that this repair can be done by just about anyone! This saved me HUNDREDS of dollars (and time!) Thanks, Laptop Screen!

Mar 01, 2012